Tuesday, June 3, 2014

That little voice

I haven't blogged in a few days, nothing bad happened just had too much going on lately to even keep a straight thought. Bill had his procedure with his kidney stones, and it went very well.  He also got a diagnosis for his knee, he tore his right meniscus. The doctor said it would be a easy repair, but a long recovery. The remodel in our guest room turned out nicely, so all in all things are looking up for us.

Now with all the catching up and pleasantries addressed lets delve into my topic for today which is having the ability to help yourself and listen.

 I have come to realize that everything I have ever dealt with whether it be a medical issue or a  challenging problem at my job, home, or a relationship I had to be able to think clearly and ask questions to get to the root of the problem so I can tackle whatever the issue  is with  knowledge, conviction, and determination. Now I know thinking clearly isn't always a possibility but that's why we have to that little voice in our head, to kind put us on auto pilot when we need to take a step back. The problem with that is simple, we rarely listen, even when we know we should stop and collect ourselves we plow forward head on and  into a mess. then shake your fist towards heaven and say why me? Really?? We all have the ability to help ourselves. We need to listen to what our minds and bodies already know. We get clues all the time we just have to teach ourselves not ignore the obvious. I'm not saying if you listen to your conscious that everything will hunky dory, I'm just simply saying that making a bad decision once or twice is a lesson to be learned from, but doing the same thing over and over again with a bad result is a mistake. Trust yourself more and be kinder to yourself and most of all listen to that little voice it knows more than you think.

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